
2,242 items found

The Economic Recovery Program's Direct Significance for Voluntary Organizations and the People They Serve

The Future of Public Housing in Indianapolis, An Address by Mayor Hudnut, November 19, 1984

The Value of a Liberal Arts Education As I See It, A Message by Mayor Hudnut to the Indiana Chapter of the American Association of University Professors

Welcoming Remarks, Opening Ceremonies, International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, September 7, 1982

What is Past is Prologue: Management of the Modern Urban Center by Mayor Hudnut, October 13-18, 1985

Administrer Une Grande Ville Aujourd'hui Discours Prononce Par, by Mayor Hudnut, October 13-18, 1985

"Transition Towards Tomorrow," by Mayor Hudnut Given to the Downtown Kiwanis Club, January 14, 1983

"Urban Partners in Progress," an Address by Mayor Hudnut to the Swiss National Committee, October 22, 1982

Statement by Mayor Hudnut, November 7, 1980

1992 Budget Presentation to the City-County Council by Mayor Hudnut, Draft, August 5, 1991

1987 Budget Speech to the City-County Council by Mayor Hudnut, August 4, 1986

International Violin Competition of Indianapolis, Welcome Address

The State of the City: An Address by Mayor Hudnut to the Rotary Club of Indianapolis, January 9, 1990

"Who Will Peel the Hot Potatoes?" by Mayor Hudnut

Reflections on a Trip to Germany by Mayor Hudnut, November 4, 1989

"Two Weeks Ago, a Local Company Sued the City of Indianapolis..."

Indianapolis - A Contemporary Approach to Downtown Animation by Mayor Hudnut

Indianapolis - Tomorrow, November 25, 1983

Address by Mayor Hudnut Before the Wyoming Association of Municipalities, 1980 Annual Meeting, June 11-14, 1980

1989 Budget Presentation to the City-County Council by Mayor Hudnut, August 10, 1988