2,242 items found
Lecture Regarding Martin Luther
Call to Worship, Invocation, Prayer of Dedication, and Benediction, August 7, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, August 7, 1955
Call to Worship, Invocation, Prayer of Dedication, and Benediction, July 24, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, July 24, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, July 31, 1955
Four Prayers for Country and International Exchange
Lord's Prayer and Benediction_Westminster Stationary
Prayer Beginning "Eternal God Our Loving Father, Who Hast Taught Us to Regard Thee as a Shepherd"
Prayer Introduction Beginning "Seek Ye the Lord"
Prayer, August 9, 1959
Prayer, August 23, 1959
Prayers, August 17, 1958
Greater Love Hath No Man
These Three
To Light
To Your Comfort
Under New Management
The Viable Middle