2,242 items found
Prayer for National Leaders, National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 1984
"The New Civics" An Address to the Cities Assets Conference by John Krauss, April 16, 1985
Partnerships - The New Civics
Labor Speech #3
Speech No. 6 General Crime Speech
Speech No. 7 General Campaign
What Patriotism Means
Cities Can Solve Own Problems
One of the Criticisms Heard Frequently..."
Excerpt from "The Party of Vision"
Upgrading Your Urban Environment "The Key is the User Friendly City"
A Statement Regarding Co-Education by William H. Hudnut III
Testimony of Mayor Hudnut, July 13, 1977 -- Amtrak Hearing -- Presented by David R. Frick
Indiana State Building and Construction Trades Council Speech, September 2, 1976
Outline of Remarks by Rev. William H. Hudnut, III Regarding House Bill Number 126
In Support of Neighborhood Schools and Quality of Education - Against Forced Busing of Students
Remarks at the Funeral of Howard W. Fieber
Funeral Remarks for Dr. John B. Hickam
Remarks at the Memorial Service for Harriett Bowman Meeker
Funeral Remarks for Mrs. Margaret Afflis Johnston