576 items found
Dennis Lloyd to Mayor Goldsmith, April 1993
Historical Significance of the National Day of Prayer-An American Tradition
Quotes, National Day of Prayer
One Hundredth Congress of the United States of America, An Act, May 5, 1988
Proclamation, National Day of Prayer, May 7, 1992
National Day of Prayer Pamphlet
Rick & Judy Smith to Mayor Goldsmith
Prayer Reminder: The Great Commission Prayer Crusade
John L. Niblack to Mayor Lugar, February 4, 1971/ Lugar Prayer
Head Table Kansas Leadership Prayer Breakfast
Mayor Lugar to Bess Cones McRae, February 6, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Fred Schwengel, February 18, 1971
Robert D. Beckmann to James W. Briney, Jr., March 11, 1971
Mayor Roman S. Gribbs to Mayor Lugar, January 25, 1971
Market Square Arena Opening Benediction Prayer by Rev. Landrum E. Shields
Athletes In Action Sportlight
Athletes In Action Sportlight
National Prayer Breakfast, February 2, 1971
Christ Church Cathedral, Celebration of the Ministry of Very Reverend Roger Scott Gray, D.D. as Dean and Rector of Christ Church Cathedral
Fifth Annual National Memorial Service for Fallen Firefighters