576 items found
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (December 24, 1967)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (December 17, 1972)
Notes on Christ's Practice of Prayer
Handwritten Prayer, O Thou Holy God, in Whose Presence There Is a Peace
Second Presbyterian Church, March 7, 1971_9:30 Service, Sermon Outline, and Suggested Bibliography
"A Family That Prays Together," Part II in a Lenten Series "The Seedpod of the Kingdom"
Suggested Bibliography for Christian Family Living
Prayers for David W. Knowles, Dr. Charles Y. Knowles, and Dr. Robert P. Knowles
R. Bruce Meyer to Mayor Hudnut
A Litany of Thanksgiving for the Bible
The Spire - September Question and Answer Column
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (December 31, 1967)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (May 29, 1966)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (July 2, 1967)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (October 30, 1966)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (November 5, 1967)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (April 30, 1967)
Let Us Pray!
Prayer for the Day, DP
Oh Thou Who Dost Love Each One