576 items found
Prayer Beginning "The Hour Cometh"
Prayers, April 12, 1959
Prayers, November 16, 1958
Vespers Service Prayer, Holy Tuesday 1959
Vespers Service Prayer, Palm Sunday 1959
Prayer, August 24, 1958
Prayer, June 1, 1958
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (May 26, 1968)
Thoughts on Maturity
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (September 29, 1968)
Understanding Our Chancel Theologically: Outside of Folder
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (June 23, 1968)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (November 30, 1969)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (November 9, 1969)
Second Presbyterian Church: Indianapolis, Indiana (March 10, 1968)
The Weapon of Prayer
David C. Thomas to William H. Hudnut, III, July 16, 1970
Revised Lord's Prayer & Apostles' Creed
Bibliography for the Lord's Prayer and Apostles' Creed
Raymon George, Communion With God in the New Testament, Notes