1,479 items found
S.J. Res. 280
Attachment for Legislative Council Minutes: Resolution for Agenda Item #4
H. J. Res. 464
Legislative Alert - February 6, 1991
Mayor Hudnut to John Ryan, April 15, 1985
Vision, Legislative Edition, November 1987, Vol. 2 No. 4
From Alan Beals Regarding Revenue Sharing, Page 2
Recommendations of National League of Cities on General Revenue Sharing Reenactment Legislation
Statement by Alan Beals Regarding General Revenue Sharing Legislation
Fact Sheet on General Revenue Sharing
Hudnut to Lobby for Renewal of Revenue Sharing
From Jose Pepe Lucero, October 7, 1980
Local Government Excerpt
Congressional Record: S12873
Congressional Record: H8462
Senate Enrolled Act No. 221
David Griffiths to Senator Lugar, September 19, 1983
Citizens Gas & Coke Utility Briefing Paper on Federal Natural Gas Legislation
Citizens Gas Revisions