1,479 items found
Congressman Hudnut Completes One Year and a Half in Congress
Congressman Hudnut Appointed to House-Senate Conference
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 170, November 7, 1973
The Free Flow of Information Age
From Mayor Hudnut, March 11, 1977
Ethics Ordinance Guidelines
Proposal No. 355, 1981
Proposal No. 355, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Mike Batts, Fred Armstrong, Faye Mowery, et al, November 5, 1976
Mayor Hudnut to Mike Batts, Fred Armstrong, Faye Mowery, et al, November 5, 1976
From Robert W. Nash
The Outlook for Nuclear Power
Hudnut Introduces Bill to Encourage Savings
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 135, September 18, 1973
Congressman Hudnut Introduces Fiscal Responsibility Act
Congressman Hudnut Supports Vocational Rehabilitation Act, H.R. 8070
Hudnut Completes Six Months
"The Freedom of Emigration Act"
Hudnut Co-Sponsors Bill to Give Hospital Employees Right to Decline Participation in Abortions as a Matter of Conscience
Hudnut Co-Sponsors Legislation to Upgrade Fire-Fighting Techniques and to Make it a Federal Crime to Kill or Assault a Fireman or a Policeman