1,479 items found
Connie Hanahan to John Ryan, April 14, 1981
Notes on Cable TV Legislation
John P. Ryan et al. to Mayor Hudnut, January 26, 1982
Proposed Legislation for 1983: Indianapolis-Marion County
Senate Enrolled Act No. 309
Victor V. Tryon to Mayor Hudnut, May 27, 1979
From Alan Beals Regarding Recent National League of Cities Activities
Gerald Yentes to Senator Rogers, January 25, 1983
Testimony in Support of Senate Bill 438
Beverly Adams to Mayor Hudnut, January 20, 1983
County Board of Tax Adjustment Rules
Thomas R. Neal to Mayor Hudnut, November 19, 1975
Sec. 3-303. Board of Public Safety
From William K. Nasser, October 3, 1990
Briefing on IMPAC Appearance
Legislative Report, July 20, 1990
23rd Annual Mayor's Day and GMA Legislative Conference
House Enrolled Act No. 1732
4.115 State Compensation to Local Governments for State-Owned Property