Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation
250 items found
John P. Willen to Caterina Cregor, April 13, 1992, Bob Swhier
John P. Willen to Caterina Cregor, April 13, 1992
Economic Developments, Issue 6, Vol. III, November/December 1993
William M. Ehret to Tim Monger, August 3, 1992
Jana Pehler to Larry Gigerich, February 15, 1993
Larry Gigerich to Gregg Gillman, December 12, 1994
Larry Gigerich to Brian Crandall, December 12 1994
Larry Gigerich to Steve Sergi, December 12, 1994
Fax Transmission Receipt: Gillman
Model Cities 1970
Mark Curry to Dave Arland, January 10, 1991
Timothy J. Monger to D. W. Montgomery, March 21, 1986
Background on the Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation
John L. Krauss to Tim Monger, February 19, 1986
Facts on Agriculture in Marion County
Schneider National, Green Bay, Wisconsin, July 25, 1989
Schneider Trucking's Move to Indianapolis
Ira G. Peppercorn to Mayor Hudnut, January 8, 1990
Schneider National Brings 600 Jobs to Indianapolis
George Stinnett to Ira G. Peppercorn, October 12, 1989