Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation
250 items found
Donald W. Tanselle to Keith L. Bulen, July 15, 1991
City of Indianapolis Hereby Gratefully Acknowledges The Outstanding Services of Jack Hendricks
Board of Directors Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation
Marketing the "Indianapolis Opportunity" to People Who Count
Development Counselors, Consolidated Client List by Category
Economic Developments: November/December 1992
Economic Developments: January/February 1993
Economic Developments: July/August 1992
Economic Developments: March/April 1993
Notes: Meeting w/Cathy, December 8, 1992
Notes: IEDC/ Alliance, February 8, 1993
Peter T. Malloy to Larry Gigerich, January 23, 1995
List of Priorities #2
List of Priorities #3
Notes: Meeting w/Cathy, January 7, 1993
Larry Gigerich to Brian Crandall, December 8, 1994
Larry Gigerich to Gregg Gillman, December 8, 1994
From Susan Rozzi, January 17, 1996
Susan P. Rozzi to Shanette Blane, January 17, 1996
Susan P. Rozzi to David Amick, January 17, 1996