8,948 items found
Mayor Lugar with U.S. Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird
Unidentified Child in Indianapolis
Sidewalk Construction in Indianapolis
Mayor Lugar Speaks at Indianapolis Fire Station
Mayor Lugar Speaks at Press Conference
Unidentified Building Demolition in Residential Area
Mayor Lugar with Sam Stone and Others
Mayor Lugar Walks with Unidentified Group
Mayor Lugar Participates in Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony
Mayor Lugar and Rogers Morton
Mayor Lugar Delivering Televised Speech
Interior View of Indianapolis Union Station
Signed Photograph of Arniece Russell, Miss Black America, 1973
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 11
Lugar at National League of Cities Convention, Img. 12
Richard Lugar on Television Program, Img. 1
Richard Lugar on Television Program, Img. 2
Richard Lugar on Television Program, Img. 3
Richard Lugar on Television Program, Img. 4
Richard Lugar on Television Program, Img. 5