8,948 items found
Model Building With Cars
A Great Republican Dick Lugar
Woolworth Co. Storefront
N. Meridian St. at Monument Circle, Indianapolis
Artist's Rendering of Monument Circle
Arial Photograph of Monument Circle
Hilbert Circle Theater, Monument Circle, Indianapolis
Artist's Rendering of Monument Circle, including Church and Hilton Hotel
Artist's Rendering of Street Scene near Monument Circle
Planning Drawing of Monument Circle
Mayor Lugar at Rotary Club Meeting, 1974, Img. 1
Mayor Lugar at Rotary Club Meeting, 1974, Img. 2
Mayor Lugar at Rotary Club Meeting, 1974, Img. 3
Mayor Lugar at Rotary Club Meeting, 1974, Img. 4
Mayor Lugar with Unidentified Man, Christmas 1974
Mayor Lugar with Unidentified Women, Img. 13
Goodwill Customer with Mayor Lugar
Mayor Lugar with Former City Fireman
Mayor Lugar with Unidentified Woman at Indiana World War Memorial, Img. 1
Mayor Lugar with Unidentified Woman at Indiana World War Memorial, Img. 2