8,948 items found
Carrying the United States Flag During Opening Ceremonies of the Pan American Games, 1987
Torch at Pan American Games, 1987
Mayor Hudnut with Pan American Games Parrot, Amigo, 1987
Ice Rink in Pan Am Arena
Mayor Hudnut Speaking at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
All-Stars, June 16, 1986
Baseball Batter
Mike Heitz with Mayor Hudnut at Proclamation Event, May 19, 1986, Img. 4
Pan Am Games Press Conference at Hoosier Dome, August 1987, Img. 12
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 2
Beverly Guidara at Pan Am Games Press Conference, August 1987, Img. 1
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 4
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 5
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 6
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 7
Pan Am Games Press Conference at Hoosier Dome, August 1987, Img. 1
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 10
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 9
Pan Am Games Opening Ceremony at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, August 8, 1987, Img. 12
Indianapolis Colts Welcome Rally at Hoosier Dome, April 2, 1984, Img. 56