8,948 items found
Mayor Hudnut at Perry Park, April 20, 1983, Img. 23
Oxford Terrace Groundbreaking, March 18, 1986, Print, Img. 1
Oxford Terrace Groundbreaking, March 18, 1986, Print, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut Pitching Softball
Mayor Hudnut Playing Piano, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut Plays in Water with Children
Mayor Hudnut Presents IFD Certificate with Joseph Kimbrew and Joseph Shelton
Mayor Hudnut Presents Proclamation
Mayor Hudnut Speech with Boys
Mayor Hudnut Throws Snowball
Mayor Hudnut Tours Machine Shop
Mayor Hudnut Visits Elementary School
Mayor Hudnut with "Indianapolis Indeed" Sign
Mayor Hudnut with Consolidated Freight Airplanes, Img. 1
Staff Meeting, September 30, 1986, Print
Kenwood Place Ribbon Cutting, January 13, 1986, Print
KIDS Safety Week Kickoff, April 7, 1986, Img. 1
KIDS Safety Week Kickoff, April 7, 1986, Img. 2
Indiana Japanese Language School Visit, April 12, 1986, Print
Mayor Hudnut with Fire Co. No. 29, October 26, 1983, Img. 1