802 items found
Dan TeGrotenhuis to Mayor Lugar
Robert Tate Hitchcock to Mayor Lugar
Statement in Support of Claim for Robert T. Hitchcock
Mayor Lugar to Larry Sprinkle, April 23, 1975
Biographical Information for Republican Candidate for City Council First District, Thomas C. Hasbrook
Breaking the Architectural Barriers and Correcting Code Omissions for the Handicapped
Harold Riess to Mayor Lugar, November 13, 1974
Information Sheet, Gary L. Shoemaker
Ralph B. Werking, Jr. to Richard Holt, June 19, 1975
Dr. James M. Kirtley to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 29, 1975
Greater Indianapolis Deaf Communications Meeting Notice
Boy Scouts Family Night
Ann Frick to Mayor Lugar, May 21, 1975
Awareness Week Proclamation
Disabled American Veterans Kick-Off
The Gary Shoemaker Benevolent Fund
Patricia A. Bayley to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 29, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Dan TeGrotenhuis, Oct. 8, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Dr. James M. Kirtley, Oct. 10, 1975
Transportation Needs Statistics for the Elderly and Handicapped