802 items found
Health Legislation
Veterans Legislation
Open House, Housing Rehab for the Handicapped Notes
Kathryn Snedeker to Mayor Hudnut, October 6, 1986
"Indianapolis Cares" A Special Series Produced for Handicapped Awareness Week
Cue Sheet, Swimming & Gymnastics Games
Chuck Schumm to Mayor Hudnut, May 5, 1983
Max E. Miller to Mayor Hudnut, March 8, 1983
Proclamation - "Special Olympics Day"
Special Olympics Swimming & Gymnastics Notes
Max E. Miller & Chuck Schumm to Mayor Hudnut, May 3, 1983
Special Olympics - Track & Field Notes
Area 8 Special Olympics Track, Field, Frisbee & Multiply Handicapped Games Schedule
From Carrie Rozelle
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, February 13, 1984
Dedication of the Charles E. Bosma Rehabilitation Center for the Blind Program Draft
Carolyn Tucker to Mary Ann Pahud, February 1, 1984
Bosma Tribute Program Format
Wendell J. Walls to Mayor Hudnut, February 7, 1984
State of Indiana, Indiana Rehabilitation Services Board Resolution Draft