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The Physicians for a National Health Care Program Proposal
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Gerald L. Bepko to L. Keith Bulen, January 18, 1991
Gordon G. to L. Keith Bulen, August 5, 1970
Indiana Pro-Choice Political Action Committee Position on Choice Questionnaire
From the Statehouse with Rep. L. Keith Bulen
The L. Keith Bulen Report, Summer 1991
Meeting of Republican County Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen Agenda, July 13, 1968
Behind the Wizard's Curtain: Why Indiana's Fiscal Picture Is Really Far Worse Than Governor Bayh Reported on July 15, 1992
Lee Webb to L. Keith Bulen, January 31, 1991
Indiana General Assembly Suggested Target Budget
Schmid and Bulen: Democrat Budget Increases Property Taxes
Copy of Olson-Morris Agenda, January 22, 1974
Olson-Morris Agenda, January 22, 1974
Indiana Republican State Central Committee 1974 Proposed Budget
Indiana State House of Representatives to L. Keith Bulen, May 22, 1991
L. Keith Bulen to Governor Bayh
Eve of the Fox Stake
David O. Meeker Jr. to L. Keith Bulen, March 24, 1975
Nick to L. Keith and Carole Bulen, August 6, 1971