2,877 items found
Summary of School Formula Changes (1990)
Supplemental Budget- 1990 Indiana General Assembly
End of Month Revenue Report: February 28, 1990
FYI 1990 Report of Monthly Revenue Collections
Estimated Surplus Statement, June 30, 1989
Patrick J. Kiely to House Republican Caucus, March 22, 1990
W.W. Hill Jr. to Edgar D. Whitcomb, June 10, 1971
State Education Operating Approations General and Dedicated Funds, 1989-1991
All State Expenditires Compared to State Primary and Secondary Education Expeditures, 1979-1991
State Operating Appropiations General and Dedicated Funds, 1989-1991
The Motor Vehicle Industry and Indiana's Economy
Amendments to 1157
Budget, HB 1157
Indiana Republican State Central Committee: 1972 Campaign Expense Budget
Talking Points: Vol. II, No. 4, February 28, 1982
Talking Points: Vol. II, No. 5, March 15, 1982
First Monday: Vol. 12, No. 4
First Monday: Vol. 12, No. 5
First Monday: Vol. 12, No. 6
Governor Bayh and State Auditor Devore Announce Year-End Balances (Enc.II/Attachment #1)