1,153 items found
KidzTime TV Parents Guide to Curbing Television Violence at Home
KidzTime TV Feature & Benefit
From Tom Dunlea, May 6, 1996
Our Channel Encourages Acts of Kindness in Children, Maybe Adults Should Watch Too
It's a Winner! Elephant Show
Ballooner Landing
Super Stories
Eric's World
Proclamation "Stand for Children Day in Indianapolis"
Tracy Williams to Mayor Goldsmith, August 19, 1997
Proclamation "Stand for Children Day in Indianapolis", Draft
Tracy Williams to Mayor Goldsmith, May 20, 1997
Indianapolis Children' Choir, 10th Anniversary Season 1995-96
Gordon G. Gilmer to Mitzi Hurst, May 30th
Erin Schubert to Mayor's Office
Thank You Mitzi Hurst
Josh Cappel to Mitzi Hurst
Thank You for the Water Bottle & Pin from Emily
To Mrs. Hurst from Adam Recker
Proclamation, The International Council for Exceptional Children Day, Apr. 7, 1995