1,153 items found
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 9
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 11
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 15
Lugar Visits Children's Wing of a Public Library, Img. 16
Elementary School Children at Unidentified School, Img. 1
Elementary School Children at Unidentified School, Img. 2
Elementary School Children at Unidentified School, Img. 3
Mayor Lugar with Girl in Wheelchair, Img. 1
Mayor Lugar with Girl in Wheelchair, Img. 3
Mayor Lugar to Ann Frick, May 28, 1975
Scheduling request, Southwest Optimists Summer Olympics
Track and Field Finals Request
Boys' School and Girls' School "Oklahoma"
Schedule Request, Hula Hoop and Frisbee Finals
Ervin L. Townsend to Mayor Lugar, April 25, 1975
GIPC Policy Statement on Racial Integration
Wayne A. Stanton to Winston L. Churchill, March 31, 1971
Deanna H. Durrett to Richard G. Lugar, May 21, 1971
Alan R. Kimbell to Richard B. Wetzel, et. al., April 28, 1971
Citizens Day, Dionesee (Leonard C. Boehm)