Bissonnette, Pierre Andre
141 items found
P.A. Bissonnette to D.G. Chance & D. LaRoche, April 24, 1986
International Joint Commission Honoured on Its 75th Anniversary
Lead Commisioners List
Biography, Pierre-Andre Bissonnette
Elizabeth Dowdeswell and Joseph Pratt to Pierre-Andre Bissonnette and Donald Totten, July 17, 1987
Commissioner Schedule, April 13-18, 1986
International Joint Commission, Recognizing L. Keith Bulen for Service, 1987
Paper by Sally Cole-Misch
Resolving a Common Problem Together
Steering Committee Meeting, May 7, 1987, Toronto, Canada
Agenda, IJC Water Levels Reference, June 2-3, 1987
Notes for an Intervention by the Canadian Chairman (P. A. Bissonnette) at the Closing of the Commission Executive Meeting on January 25, 1989
Resignation Letter from L. Keith Bulen, February 5, 1989
Keith Bulen and Large Group, International Joint Commission Reception, April 1982, Img. 1
E. Richmond Olson, L. Keith Bulen, Pierre-André Bissonnette, Robert C.M. Ewen, Donald Totten
Pierre-André Bissonette Speaks at Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Talks, Kingston, Ontario, July 1985
Canadian Chairman Pierre-André Bissonnette and Governor General Jeanne Sauvé at Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement Talks, Kingston, Ontario, July 1985
Pierre-André Bissonnette Speaks at Mayor's Reception, Kingston, Ontario, July 1985
E. Davie Fulton, Donald Totten, Pierre-André Bissonnette
E. Davie Fulton, Donald Totten, Robert C. McEwen, George P. Shultz, L. Keith Bulen, Robert S.K. Welch, Pierre-André Bissonnette