Bissonnette, Pierre Andre
141 items found
March 13, 1986 - Accommodation, Copy 1
March 13, 1986 - Accommodation, Different Notes
Bulen to P. Andre Bissonnette, March 13, 1986
March 13, 1986 - Accommodation, Fewer Notes
DSE to David A. LaRoche, January 8, 1985
Commissioners Honoured on Seventy-Fifth Anniversary of the IJC
P.A. Bissonnette to D.G. Chance & D. LaRoche, April 24, 1986
International Joint Commission Honoured on Its 75th Anniversary
Ottawa Section Staff and Chairman to Bulen, January 6, 1988
Lead Commisioners List
Biography, Pierre-Andre Bissonnette
Elizabeth Dowdeswell and Joseph Pratt to Pierre-Andre Bissonnette and Donald Totten, July 17, 1987
Commissioner Schedule, April 13-18, 1986
International Joint Commission, Recognizing L. Keith Bulen for Service, 1987
Paper by Sally Cole-Misch
Workshop on Great Lakes Research Coordination
Resolving a Common Problem Together
Steering Committee Meeting, April 21, 1987, Washington D.C.
Steering Committee Conference Call, April 29, 1987
Steering Committee Meeting, May 7, 1987, Toronto, Canada