1,352 items found
L. Keith Bulen to W. R. Payne Jr., April 16, 1973
Lois Reed to Richard G. Lugar, May 14, 1968
"All-America City" Slide Presentation
Impact of Pro-Sports on the Greater Cincinnati Area
Samuel Stone to David O. Meeker, Jr., November 22, 1971
Your Catalogue of Communications Services
Mayor Cites Indianapolis Gains At All America City Luncheon
Proposed Resolutions to the U.S. Conference of Mayors
Resolutions Adopted, 43rd Annual Meeting, July 9, 1975
Notes, Crime Increase
Decaying Inner City TV Spot
High Taxes TV and Radio Spot
Memo From the Lugar Public Relations Committee
For Immediate Release, "GIPC - The First Decade"
Resume of Thomas H. Stoughton
Channels Plus CA Change
Air Pollution TV Spot
Press Release: "The Auto and its Alternatives"
Peter Libassi to Mayor Lugar, March 2, 1970