1,352 items found
Indianapolis (LNSC of So. IN)
Mayor Hudnut to Gertrude Carman, February 25, 1976
Bruce B. Melchert to Thomas C. Hasbrook, March 4, 1976
Mayor Hudnut to John G. Johnson, February 23, 1987
October 1977 Calendar_Typed Version
Evelyn Haws to Mayor Hudnut, September 19, 1977
Carol Willian to Mary Ann Pahud, April 5, 1984
Mayor Hudnut to John D'Arcy Jr., September 7, 1982
John D'Arcy to Mayor Hudnut, August 25, 1982
Chicago Sunday Club
Mayor Hudnut to Paul Udell
Channel 40 Taping, October 19, 1977
J. M. Lyerla to Mayor Hudnut, June 6, 1984
Dennis Rosebrough to Mayor Hudnut, July 1, 1977
Dr. Rushmore Note
Mayor Hudnut to Robert F. Gamble, March 24, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Frank Meek, March 23, 1983
Bruce C. Smith to Mary Ann Pahud, August 28
Mayor Hudnut to R. P. Dellen, September 22, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Patty Spitler, April 30, 1987