Revenue Sharing
1,107 items found
One Year Ago at the 47th Congress of Cities in Atlanta
Opening Address to the 48th Annual Congress of Cities, November 29, 1971
Revenue Sharing Bill Sections
Revenue Sharing Rally
Revenue Sharing Testimony for July
Robert Garton to Mayor Lugar, January 22, 1971
Robert Pepper to Mayor Lugar, August 8, 1971
Robert Pepper to Mayor Lugar, June 17, 1971
Roger Zion to Mayor Lugar, February 8, 1971
Sandman Lists Reservation on Revenue Sharing Plan
Satz to Whom It May Concern
Senate Bill 2080
Solving School Financial Crisis, Canada's Approach to Revenue Sharing, Subject of ACIR Meetings This Week
Statement of Charles W. Sandman Jr. Before the Ways & Means Committee
Statement of Robert E. Merriam Before the House Ways and Means Committee
Testimony of Senator Hubert Humphrey Before the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee
The Revenue-Sharing Syndrome: Its Impact On The Management of State and Local Governments
Thomas Hasbrook to Revenue Study Committee Members, July 30, 1970
Vance Hartke to Donald Wolf, April 21, 1971
Vernon Thomson to Mayor Lugar, February 8, 1971