Revenue Sharing
1,107 items found
Mayor Lugar to Mary D. Sexton, May 8, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Ralph T. Alton, June 19, 1973
Mayor Lugar to Richard Nathan, February 5, 1973
Office of the Mayor Press Release on Revenue Sharing
Opening Statement of Senator Edmund Muskie
Pass-Through Calculations
Peter Harkins to Mayor Lugar, July 24, 1974
Prepared Remarks of Governor Linwood Holton, American Institute of Planners Panel on New Federalism
Public Law 92-512 H.R. 14370
Regulations Governing the Payment of Initial Entitlements Under Title I of the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972
Remarks of George P. Shultz at the Revenue Sharing Briefing at Boston's State House
Remarks Prepared For Delivery By James T. Lynn at the 56th National Conference of the American Institute of Planners
Replies By Members Of Congress To A Questionnaire on General Revenue Sharing
Revenue Sharing Analysis and Report
Revenue Sharing Contents
Revenue Sharing Hearings-- Senate Subcommittee On Intergovernmental Relations
Revenue Sharing Workshop
Revenue Sharing, A Redressing of American Federalism, May 6, 1971
Alfred D. Green to Mayor Lugar, February 11, 1975
Alfred D. Green to Mayor Lugar, January 8, 1974