576 items found
The Church's Healing Ministry: Short Informative and Inspirational Articles
Prayer, November 25, 1956
Prayer Beginning "O God, the God of All Goodness and Grace"
Prayer, October 16, 1956
Confession Beginning "The Hour Cometh"
Pastoral Prayer, July 1, 1956
Call to Worship and Invocation, October 11, 1955
Prayer Beginning "Eternal, Ever-Living, and Ever-Loving God"
Prayer, September 17, 1955
Call to Worship, Invocation, and Benediction, August 28, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, August 28, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, August 21, 1955
Order of Service, Childwold, June 5, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, June 5, 1955
Call to Worship, Invocation, Prayer of Dedication, and Benediction, July 3, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, July 3, 1955
Call to Worship, Invocation, Prayer of Dedication, and Benediction, July 10, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, July 10, 1955
Call to Worship, Invocation, Prayer of Dedication, and Benediction, July 17, 1955
Pastoral Prayer, July 17, 1955