675 items found
Pacer Rally Outline
Paula Macvittie to Kathy Jordan, June 6, 1994; Pacers Victory Celebration
Golf Course Study Executive Summary, Draft
1994 World Rowing Championships Marketing & Resource Development Highlights, April 8, 1994
Resume: Lyman B. Rhodes, II
NCAA Final Four ILOC Public Relations Committee Meeting Notes
Linda G. Hughes to Mayor Goldsmith, July 2, 1993
City of Indianapolis Barrett Bond Program, May 13, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Dollyne Pettingill, July 5, 1994
Peter T. Malloy to Larry Gigerich, January 23, 1995
Christopher Baggott to Stephen Goldsmith, January 12, 1993
Market Opportunity Assessment Summary_Chi Systems
Mayor, Business Leaders Declare "Pacer Pride Day" Urge Local Employers to Join In
Larry Gigerich to Dollyne Pettingill and John Hatfield, November 29, 1993
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, March 30, 1992
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, April 20, 1992
Nomination Form Gary A. Walters
Timothy J. Monger to Robert D. Swhier, Jr., April 22, 1992
Business Development's Project Tracking System
Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation Newsletter 1992 Editorial Calendar