675 items found
Summary, Promotion Committee, January 9, 1984
Proposed Budget, Promotions Committee, National League of Cities 1984 Planning Committee
Summary, NLC Promotions Committee, March 26, 1984
Agenda, Promotion Committee, NLC Local Planning Committee, November 15, 1983
Mike Quinn to Linda Hegeman, August 19, 1983_Maribeth Note
Mike Quinn to NLC Promotions Committee, November 4, 1983
Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Proposal Indiana Convention Center Expansion/Multi-Use Athletic Facility
Outline Script for One-Projector Stadium Slide Show
Carolyn Blitz to Management Team, February 11, 1981
Carolyn J. Blitz to Management Team, April 9, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Craig W. Curtis, November 3, 1988
Proposed Membership, Promotions Committee of the Local Operating Committee
Theme Development, 1984 NLC Convention
Theme Development, 1984 NLC Convention_With Notes in Blue
NLC Promo Items
Membership, Promotions Committee of the Local Operating Committee, National League of Cities
Revised Budget Proposal, Promotions Committee, June 12, 1984
Chamber of Commerce Job No. 966-1422 A/V Presentation
Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Proposal Indiana Convention Center Expansion/Multi-Use Athletic Facility
Convention Center Expansion Slide Show Preliminary Draft