Indianapolis Private Industry Council
303 items found
National Alliance of Business
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of December 13, 1982
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of December 20, 1982
Employer's Letter to Invest
Joseph A. Slash to Mayor Hudnut, April 23 1983
Indiana Implementation Guide: Job Training Partnership Act Transition
Mayor Hudnut's Public Appearance Schedule for Week of February 12, 1990
Marsha M. Oliver to Mary Ann Pahud, August 13, 1986
Esther F. Schaeffer to Marsha Oliver, August 4, 1986
Executive Cabinet Meeting, Monday, August 21, 1989
Regarding the Opening of Two Jobs in the Indianapolis Community
Mayor Hudnut and Others to Barbara Morrill, December 18, 1986
Indianapolis Selected to Participate in Pilot Jobs Project
Boston Compact Replication Project Anticipated Attendees
Points to be made in "Introduction"
Joe Slash to Mayor Hudnut, June 27, 1979
Proposed PIC Members List
Mayor Hudnut to James Danforth Quayle, May 4, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Sirs, July 12, 1982
City of Indianapolis Danny R. Tyra Certificate