Labor Unions
1,378 items found
Mary Worth to Mayor Hudnut, April 26, 1983
Mary Worth to Mayor Hudnut, March 21, 1983
Grand Opening Ceremonies Notes
Mary Worth to All Members of CWA Local 5800, March 1, 1983
International Harvester - Indianapolis Foundry and Engine Association Pig Roast Notes
Mayor Renews Pledge of Support for Chrysler
From the Desk of Dave Wilkins
Indianapolis Electrical Plant Potential Productivity Gains through Labor Negotiations
Mark S. Davis to Mayor Hudnut, October 14, 1983
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, March 16
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, June 11-12, 1983
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut/Mary Ann Pahud, May 12
Mayor Hudnut to Charles Green, January 8, 1987
John L. Krauss to Mayor Hudnut, July 3, 1985
Tim Monger to Mayor Hudnut, February 6, 1985
Mark V. DeFabis to Mayor Hudnut, January 17, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Robert M. Clark, January 25, 1988
Jim Greeson to Mayor Hudnut, June 15, 1983
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, June 11-12, 1983
P.E. MacAllister to Tom Henry, July 15, 1983