1,479 items found
Bill MacDougall to Commission Members, July 2, 1970
ACIR Information Bulletin: Bulletin No. 69-20
H.R. 13217: A Bill
Section-by-Section Analysis of the Draft Balanced Urbanization Policy and Planning Act
Mayor Lugar to Friends, June 16, 1972_Copy
Outline of General Revenue Sharing Bill H.R. 14370
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 73-1
Mayor Lugar to John Myers, February 15, 1971
Rep. Myers Press Release on Revenue-Sharing
Statement of Wm. G. Colman, Executive Director, ACIR before the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee
ACIR Information Bulletin: Bulletin No. 69-23
S. 2804: A Bill
Regulations, Emergency Jobs Program
Statement of Congressional Intent
Mayor Lugar to John Myers, March 5, 1971
ACIR Congressional Watch No. 74-2
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 69-5
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 72-4
Washington Newsletter from Congressman Jim Harvey
Revenue Sharing Bill Sections