1,479 items found
Outline of General Revenue Sharing Bill H.R. 14370
Revenue Sharing--A Reality This Year
Ivan Bennington to Mayor Lugar, February 8, 1971
John Myers to Mayor Lugar, February 25, 1971
State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 Conference Report
Suggested Statement of Robert E. Merriam Before the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee
Testimony of James T. Lynn Before the Subcommittee on Housing and Urban Affairs
United States Senator Bill Brock News Release
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 73-1
Public Law 89-733
Mayor Lugar to John Myers, February 15, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Richard M. Nixon, February 1, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Roger Zion, February 16, 1971
Mayor Lugar to Roger Zion, February 16, 1971_Copy
Mayor Lugar to William Roth Jr., July 7, 1971
Rep. Myers Press Release on Revenue-Sharing
Wm. G. Colman to Members of the ACIR, August 28, 1969
Statement of ACIR before the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee
Statement of Wm. G. Colman, Executive Director, ACIR before the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee
ACIR Information Bulletin: Bulletin No. 69-23