1,479 items found
Public Law 92-512 H.R. 14370
Revenue Sharing Contents
Robert Dahlgren to Mayor Lugar, October 17, 1973
Robert E. Merriam to ACIR Members, April 4, 1974
Revenue Sharing Questionnaire
Revenue Sharing-- A Reality This Year
Lawrence M. Borst to Richard G. Lugar, April 3, 1968
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 69-24
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 71-3
ACIR Information Bulletin No. 72-7
Title 5- Government Organization And Employees
ACIR Bulletin No.69-24
Roger Zion to Mayor Lugar, February 8, 1971
Satz to Whom It May Concern
Statement of Robert E. Merriam Before the House Ways and Means Committee
Testimony of Senator Hubert Humphrey Before the Intergovernmental Relations Subcommittee
MFOA Newsletter, Volume XLVI, Number 24
Amendments to the Federal Advisory Committee Act
Bernard F. Hillenbrand Memo on Revenue Sharing
Bernard F. Hillenbrand to American County Leaders, September 15, 1972