862 items found
Leslie May to Mary Ann Pahud, April 16, 1983
Betty Stanford to Mary Ann Pahud, April 12, 1983
Indianapolis City Center Volunteer Recognition Lunch Notes
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, October 20
David R. Frick to William A. Carter, February 21. 1983
General Meeting of John Strange School Parent Teacher Organization Program
Mayor Hudnut to Robert F. Decraene, April 21, 1983
Senior Citizens: Hudnut's Concern for the Elderly
Hudnut Pledges Aid to Senior Citizens
Former Congressman Bill Hudnut Told a Senior Citizens Group Today...
Parks and Recreation, May 27, 1975
Water Needs, June 16, 1975
Women, April 29, 1975
Hudnut would Involve Women in Government
Bill Hudnut and the Environment
Bill Hudnut and Education
Citizens for Mayor Bill Hudnut Committee, General Election 1979, Game Plan
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, April 5, 1983
David R. Frick to Robert F. Decraene, April 18, 1983
Tom Henry to Mayor Hudnut/Mary Ann Pahud