715 items found
John L. Krauss to Mayor Hudnut, March 27, 1978
Gary Benson to Mayor Hudnut, Joe Slash, and John Krauss, March 27, 1978
Lara Rieke to Mayor's Office Staff, July 30, 1987
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, July 12, 1983
Breakfast with Mayor Hudnut Factsheet
Summer Interns - Mayor's Office
Summer Interns - Prosecutor's Office
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, July 12, 1983
Lara Rieke to Mayor's Staff, August 20, 1987
Marsha Oliver to Mayor Hudnut, July 18, 1984
Alicia Chadwick to Mary Ann Pahud, June 18, 1984
Jan Odle to Mary Ann Pahud, July 19, 1984
Pro 100 Awards Dinner Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, July 25, 1984
National Internship in Community Economic Development
Alicia Chadwick to Mary Ann Pahud, June 13, 1984
Gene Glick to Julian Peebles, June 8, 1984
Pro 100 Tour of Municipal Golf Course Sites Notes
Mayor Hudnut to Cabinet, February 28, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Anne Schuster, June 6, 1983