715 items found
Sue Anne Gilroy to Dianne Sawyer, April 22, 1974
Sue Anne Gilroy to Dr. Robert L. Parr, April 1, 1974
Sue Anne Gilroy to Dr. Robert L. Parr, April 1, 1974
Sue Anne Gilroy to Gary Philips Uebelhoer, January 24, 1974
William G. Baker, Resume and Note
Richard White to Mayor Lugar, John Walls, and Jim Moris, April 4, 1973
Richard White to Unigov Directors, May 21, 1973
Robert D. Beckmann to Ted Najam, January 6, 1969
Roy Hanson to Mayor Lugar, June 14, 1969
Summer Employees in Mayor's Office
Summer Interns, Without Notes
1973 Summer Interns
A Proposal to Expand In-Service Training
A Supplementary Paper for Y 490
Accomplishments of the 1969 Summer Interns
Afternoon Coffee with the Summer Employees
Charles I. Stone to Mayor Lugar, March 25, 1970
Charles T. Richardson to Robert D. Beckmann, December 3, 1968
David Bunnell to Mayor Lugar, June 25, 1969
Harold H. Kohlmeyer, Jr. to Mayor Lugar, September 3, 1969, Copy