Indianapolis Department of Public Works
2,484 items found
Report of City Vehicles Involved in Accidents - Month of November 1971
Report of City Vehicles Involved in Accidents - Month of October 1971
Safety Education Section to Lugar
Safety Education Section to Richard G. Lugar and All Department Heads
Robert D. Stegner to Mayor Lugar, August 26, 1969
City of Indianapolis List
William M. Schreiber to President Hasbrook and Members of the City Council
Mayor Lugar to Mrs. Neil Crull, August 19, 1969
Minutes, Air Pollution Control Board Meeting, August 20, 1970
Allen C. Perkins to J. D. Hawkins, June 26, 1973
Architects 4 to Roger Pate, July 18, 1973
Architects 4 to Roger Pate, July 23, 1973
Malcolm Barksdale to Harold Rominger, June 9, 1972
Memorandum of Agreement Between the Department of Metropolitan Development and Planning and the Department of Public Works
E. H. Kennedy to Roger C. Pate, March 20, 1973
E. H. Kennedy to Roger Pate, January 16, 1973
E. H. Kennedy to Roger Pate, January 16, 1973
E. H. Kennedy to Roger Pate, January 17, 1973
E. H. Kennedy to Roger Pate, March 2, 1973
E. H. Kennedy to Roger Pate, November 20, 1972