Indianapolis Department of Public Works
2,484 items found
Charge to the Department of Public Works Subcommittee
Mayor's 1991 Summer Interns List
Washington Twnshp. Ward Officials Notecards
David H. Arland to Terri Gordon, February 13, 1991
Denise K. Arbuckle to Barbara Gole, July 2, 1987
James R. Sanders to Residents, Hunters Glen Addition
Flood Aftermath Trash Removal Notes
Delaware Trails Note
Barbara Gurwitz to Mayor Hudnut, June 15, 1983
Richard Laffey to Barbara Gole, July 26, 1983
Robert Morse to Richard Rippel, June 7, 1983
B. Gole to Mayor Hudnut & John Ryan, May 23, 1988
Bonds 1983-87 DPW
Neighborhood Sewers
Bonds Notes
1986 Budget Notes: DMD, DPW
Response for the Mayor's Meeting with Partners for Livable Places from Advanced Wastewater Treatment Division