Indianapolis Department of Administration
493 items found
Testimony by Mayor Hudnut before the Presidential Commission on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Epidemic Public Hearing on AIDS in the Workplace
Executive ORder No., 1, 1988 Establishing an AIDS Policy Regarding City Employees
Purchasing Automation Brings the City of Indianapolis Into the 1990's
1990 Salary Administration
1988 Salary Administration
Finnell Named Equal Opportunity Administrator
Department of Administration 1989 Goals and Objectives
1989 Salary Administration
Donald R. McPherson to Mayor Hudnut, April 13, 1988
Donald R. McPherson to Mayor Hudnut, January 12, 1988
Department of Administration 1988 Goals and Objectives
Marianne E. McCullough to the PEPPER Committee Members, August 31, 1989
Thomas E. Parker, Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, December 28, 1987
Donald R. McPherson to Department Directors, December 9, 1981
Mayor Hudnut to Faye I. Mowery, April 24, 1978
Faye I. Mowery to Gary Benson, April 10, 1978
Faye I. Mowery to Mayor Hudnut, March 22, 1978
Robert Boykin to Faye I. Mowery, July 6, 1977
Gary L. Benson to Mayor Hudnut, February 24, 1978
Charlotte Campbell to Gary Benson, February 24, 1978_Notes