Indianapolis Police Department
5,647 items found
Mayor Presents Awards To Crimewatch Block Clubs. October 21, 1995
Mayor Presents Violet Gwin With City's First "Crime Fighter of the Year" Award, October 27, 1995
Mayor Welcomes 22 New IPD Recruits to City's Police Force, October 30, 1995
Police Target Violent Lawbreakers in High Crime Areas
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, April 28, 1994
City-County Collaboration with Church to Benefit Far Eastside Youth
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, August 10, 1994
National Gun Study Shows Indianapolis War on Gun Efforts Succeeding
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, August 26, 1994
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, September 13, 1994
IPD Shuts Down Out-of-State Drug Ring
For Immediate Release, Media Advisory, October 12, 1994
Goldsmith Targets Crime in Public Housing Strategy Focuses on Law Enforcement and Community Approach
Goldsmith Seeks Improved Police/Community Relations
IPD Awards Ceremony Honors Police and Civilians
IPD Assessment Process, March 13, 1992
Indianapolis Police Department Changes, April 27, 1992
Community Review Group, August 26, 1992
Church's Fried Chicken Safety Improvements, April 11, 1996
Goldsmith Joins Neighborhood In Opening New IPD Downtown Substation