Indianapolis Police Department
5,647 items found
IPD Bulletin No. 90-081 Boys Club Fundraiser
IPD Legal Bulletin No. 90-4 Driving while Suspended Statutory Amendments
IPD Bulletin No. 90-077 Breath Test for Intoxication Screening Examination
IPD Position Opening Bulletin No. 90-023 Office of the Chief Chief's Executive Branch Training Assistant Commander
Statement to the Community by Mayor Hudnut, November 17, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Members of the Roberts-Adams Commission, November 26, 1980
Roberts-Adams Commission, Appointing Authorities and Appointees
From Mayor Hudnut Regarding the Roberts-Adams Commission, November 26, 1980_Draft
Mayor Hudnut to Members of the City-County Council, November 24, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Melvin Girton, November 19, 1980
Stephen West to Mayor Hudnut, April 27, 1978
Sheila Suess to Stephen West, April 27, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Stephen West, April 14, 1978
Murrill Lowry to Mayor Hudnut, April 13, 1978
Eugene Gallagher to Dr. Murrill Lowry, April 10, 1978
Mayor Hudnut to Faye Mowery, David Hoppock, et al., April 13, 1978_Special Deputy Powers
Mayor Hudnut to Faye Mowery, David Hoppock, et al., April 13, 1978
Quadrant Reported Summary for Quadrant Three, July 1987
Quadrant Reported Summary for Quadrant Four, July 1987
Indianapolis City Code 18-4-12-21 to 18-4-12-25