Indianapolis Police Department
5,647 items found
Mayor Goldsmith to Sergeant Joseph Finch, May 20, 1994
Mayor Goldsmith to Officer Alfonzo Tyler, May 20, 1994
Mayor Goldsmith to Officer John King, May 20, 1994
26th Annual Fire, Police, Deputy Sheriff Winners, 1994
Mayor Goldsmith to Officer David Schultz, September 27, 1994
Mayor Goldsmith to Officer Tom Shaffer, September 27, 1994
Proclamation, Jack Sandlin Day, Mar. 2, 1993
Proclamation "Sergeant Timothy K. Wells Day"
From Mayor Goldsmith, June 28, 1993
From Mayor Goldsmith, June 28, 1993_Draft
From Meredith L. Carter, June 1, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, Indianapolis Police Recruit Officers
Sergeant Dawn H. Voida to Mayor Goldsmith, August 27, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, Indianapolis Police Recruit Officers_With Goldsmith Photo
From William Hudnut III, Indianapolis Police Recruit Officers
From Stephen Goldsmith, No Date
Michael Fogatry and James Toler to Mayor Goldsmith, May 6, 1992
155 IPD Officers Reassigned to Neighborhoods New Downtown District Leader Named
John Kennard Jr. to Mayor Goldsmith, January 3, 1992
Stephen Goldsmith to Mr. Kennard, January 28, 1992