Indianapolis Equal Opportunity Plan
63 items found
Fred Armstrong to Sheila Suess
Darrell Grimes to Reverend Petty, August 23, 1979
Robert Baldus to Mayor Hudnut, December 12, 1978
Columbus Mabry to Richard Kendall, June 13, 1986
Kenneth Gibson to Mike Elder, January 15, 1986
Scope of Memorandum of Understanding
Scope of Memorandum of Understanding
Summary and Evaluation of Operations Committee Meetings
Standard For Meeting The EEO Compliance Requirements
Pre-Apprenticeship/GED Program
What's Keeping You Unemployed?
By-Laws, Rules, and Regulations of Commission; Quorum
Consolidated City of Indianapolis Marion County Executive Order 4
Theodore Hood to Mayor Hudnut, May 12, 1986
Random Note
Indianapolis Plan Weatherization Proposal
Core Cost of the Indianapolis Plan For Equal Employment
Martha Bulluck and David Carley to Michael Elder, September 24, 1985
Milton Thompson to Dean Drummond, September 2, 1984
Dean Drummond to Mayor Hudnut, September 14, 1984