Indiana Association of Cities and Towns
2,169 items found
Regarding Co-Chairman of New Bipartisan Program
Michael J. Quinn to Executive Committee, January 24, 1979
Michael J. Quinn to Mayor Hudnut, February 6, 1979
Meeting Notification, November 18, 1987
Tentative Agenda, Executive Committee, December 7, 1987
Minutes, Executive Committee Meeting, November 13, 1987
Team Priority Reports, November 13, 1987
IACT Top Ten Work Program Priorities, 1988, November 13, 1987
Councillor Stephen R. West to Mayor Hudnut, August 19, 1987
IACT: Parking, March 1987
IACT, Executive Committee, January 21, 1987
IACT, Resolution, January 21, 1987
Hometown News Release, 1990 IACT Conference
Roy F. Weston, Inc. is Hosting their 2nd Annual Continental Breakfast for the Indiana Association of Cities & Towns
Michael J. Quinn and Lisa Padbury to Mayor Hudnut, August 10, 1990
Mike to Mayor Hudnut, July 25, 1991
Tentative Schedule of Events for the IACT Executive Committee Meeting, August 20-21, 1991
Executive Committee Meeting, IACT, August 20-21, 1991
IACT Resolutions: Funding of Local Government
Proposal to Refine IACT Media Relations & Establish an Association Speakers Bureau