1,161 items found
Gwen King to Mayor Hudnut, March 23, 1989
Gwen King to Joe Slash, March 23, 1989
Frank Johnson to Mayor Hudnut, March 23, 1989
Report Rough Draft
A Needs Assessment...
Marion County Health Department Infant Mortality Reduction Initatives
Paula Parker-Sawyers to Dr. Woodrow Myers, July 12, 1989
Hoosier In.F.A.N.T.S.
Marion County Comprehensive Obstetric Program For Reduction of Infant Mortallity Chart
Organizational Chart Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Prenatal Care Initiative
Neighborhood Health centers 1980 Census Tracts
Effectiveness of Community and Migrant Health Centers Two Decades of Achievement
Funding History 1985,1986,1987 Operating Budgets
Total Requested...
Current Year Operating Resources by Source and Compared to Selected Prior Years
Remarks of Mayor William H. Hudnut, III Indiana House Ways and Means Committee
Joseph Slash to Mayor Hudnut, March 21, 1989
Woodrow Myers to Walter Daly, January 11, 1989
Health and Hospital Budgets
Needs Assessment