196 items found
Indianapolis Tour Guide Map
Indianapolis/ Standard Oil
Community Action Program For Traffic Safety
Gov. Otis Bowen
The City-County Highway Program-Another Delay
Transportation Fact Sheet
Legislative Update, July 9, 1982
Indianapolis, Indiana and Vicinity
A Bill to Authorize a Devolution of Governmental Responsibilities from the Federal Government to the States for Certain Federal-aid Highway Programs Upon the Election of the State, Provide the Revenues Necessary to Finance Those Responsibilities, Reduce the Intrusiveness of Federal Policy in the Decisionmaking of the States, and for other Purposes
The Federalism Block Grant Highway Act of 1983 Section-By-Section Analysis
Ronald Reagan to the Congress of the United States, February 24, 1983
General Indianapolis Information
Task Force on Government Finance Fair Return Subcomittee Meeting, August 26, 1974
Gene K. Hallock to James B. Aronson, November 23, 1983
Rich Condre to John P. Willen, January 23, 1984
William W. Byram to Clinton A. Venable, October 18, 1983
William E. Byram to Gene K. Hallock, November 30, 1983
Exhibit A, First Year Impact of Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1978 on Indiana's Federal-Aid Highway Program
Exhibit B, Indiana's Pay-Before-You-Ride Roads and Streets
Exhibit C, Comparison of Indiana's State Highway-User Fees & Revenues with Surrounding States and National Averages, Calendar Year 1977