Income Taxes
417 items found
Richard G. Lugar to Mrs. Emil H. Beinke, June 4, 1974
Richard G. Lugar to Rick B. Moore, July 16, 1974
Rick B. Moore to Richard G. Lugar, June 21, 1974
Statement by Mayor Richard G. Lugar, Sep. 13, 1972
Tax Policy, Vol. XL. No. 2, 1973
Tax Rate Comparisons, Sep. 11, 1972
Taxpayers Lobby of Indiana vs. Robert D. Orr, Jul. 26, 1973
Taxpayers Lobby of Indiana vs. Robert D. Orr, July 26, 1973_Rich White
To Richard G. Lugar, August 1973
Total Spending List
Consolidated County Government Tax Rate Comparisons_With Notes
Consolidated County Government Tax Rate Comparisons_With Notes_5.503
Consolidated County Government Tax Rate Comparisons_With Notes_Proposed 1974
Consolidated Governmental Services List
County Auditors' Bulletin, No. 202, Jan. 1973
Cumulative Effect
Federal as of May 1, 1974
Final Assessed Valuations Comparisons
Final Assessed Valuations, Apr. 9, 1974
For Immediate Release, June 12, 1974