Income Taxes
417 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Beurt SerVaas, February 23, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Dwight Cottingham, February 23, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to David P. McGrath, February 23, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Stephen R. West, February 23, 1988
Summary of Contents of House Bill 1217, Indiana Association of Cities and Towns, January 10, 1984
Connie Hanahan to John Ryan, December 19, 1983
Ron Miller to John Ryan, John Krauss, and Joseph Slash, February 8, 1984
House Bill 1217, February 3, 1984
Testimony of Mayor Hudnut to the Indiana Senate Finance Committee, February 9, 1984
Fact Sheet on HB 1217, February 7, 1984
Indiana Association of Cities & Towns 1984 Legislative Bulletin, No. 3
Indiana Association of Cities & Towns 1984 Legislative Bulletin, No. 4
Mayor Hudnut to Lesa Dietrick, et al., March 2, 1988
Mayor Hudnut to Elton H. Geshwiler, March 3, 1989
An Ordinance of the Marion County Income Tax Council Increasing the Percentage Credit Allowed for Homesteads
Personal Income Taxes Table of Rates, Page 1514
John P. Ryan to Mayor Hudnut, May 24, 1984
Karen Little to John Ryan, February 10, 1987
Phillip R. Duke to Mayor Hudnut, January 9, 1986
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